Thursday, July 24, 2008

My hubby

I realized since I started this blog that I hadn't publicly thanked my husband for all he does for our family. I know it sounds stupid and whatnot, but he is my superhero day in and day out. He works six days a week to support us and still goes to college so we can better ourselves. He even puts up with my whining and problems that I may have in my own life. He is truly the greatest husband I could ever ask for. I love him more than anything and I wouldn't know what to do without him in my life! I LOVE YOU GARDNER!


Marci said...

if you need any help with your blog i'm getting really good at it now so i can help you out just leave me a comment and let me know. love ya

Marci said...

to add things to your page, you click on custumize at the very top right of your blog where it says sign in or sign out, when the new page comes up on the right side it will have a thing that says "add a page element" click on that and every thing you want to add to your page you do from there like pictures and what not, after you find that you will get the hang of it really fast, i tought myslef from that thing. if you want to change your page, well call me and i will tell you, i have monday and tuesday off so i will help you alot faster if you just call me, it wont bug me cause i like to help people do it and you will get it faster that way, i will help you tomorrow if you want just call me when you have time to sit down at your computer!! that will be fun to help you learn, so for reals call me.