Monday, August 18, 2008

Sad Days!

Hi Everyone. As you all know, I am doing my student teaching in St George, and Gardner is living in Cedar until around the 1st when we can move into our townhome. I went home for the weekend and everything was going great. Gardner works graveyards, so his body is totally messed up as it is. He woke up Saturday with a headache and said he was going to go back to bed. That was the last time I saw or talked to him coherently until Sunday when he was leaving the Cedar hospital to go to Provo for emergency brain surgery. We just went through this whole shunt replacement 6 months ago, so I was an hysterical mess, which I still am just not as bad! I couldn't miss my student teaching so his parents took him to provo to have surgery which went well. He is recovering now, but I can't explain how scary this has been once again. I often ask myself why things like this go on because it is right in the middle of everything!!!! We are trying to move and find a job in St George so we don't have to be apart! I guess there is a reason for everything. Maybe he hasn't been able to find a job because heavenly father knew this was going to happen and didn't want us to not have insurance. It may have been a blessing in disguise, but it still sucks! He has lost some of his short term memory, which is a new experience for me. I am trying to be strong and have faith and praying that everything will return to normal soon! The doctors' are hoping to discharge him Wednesday the 20th which would be great. He will be coming to my grandma's with me where I can watch and help. I just ask that if you are reading this to please pray for him to heal 100% quickly. I love him so much and just want him to be healthy again! Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday was my first day at Dixie High School as a student teacher! I cannot tell you how exciting it is to be with these teenagers all day long! I know some people who can't stand teenagers and can't figure out why I chose High School over elementary. There is no comparison in my eyes. High school is more fun and you don't have to deal with crying and whining kids all day long. You can actually teach and have great conversations, etc with your students. I am teaching entrepreneurship, accounting, marketing, and 3 financial literacy classes. It is a lot of work but a great experience that will hopefully help me find a job in December.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I am alive!

Hi Everyone! It has been a little bit since I updated everyone! So, my last blog was about the dodgers game, which by the way, was a blast! For some good news, I am doing my student teaching at Dixie High School, in St George. I changed my placement because Gardner was not getting a job in Las Vegas. We had been looking since March and nothing would pop up. So, I am happy to say that he is working on finding a job in St George, so if you are reading this and know of a job that pays more than like 11 dollars an hour, let me know! Also, we may have found a townhome that we absolutely love and hope to move in to. I start my student teaching Monday, so Gardner is going to stay in Cedar until things come around for us. I will be staying with my cute grandma until Gardner is officially in St George. It will suck not having him around, but without sacrificing sometimes, life would be too easy. Moving to St George, allows us to both be by our families still and won't be as dramatic of a move. We feel that it is the right thing to do in our lives right now.